
管理FSA计划的法律是基于家庭是家庭的前提 学生支持的第一来源,法律提供了几个标准 决定学生是否独立于父母而有资格获得资助. 

Note that a student reaching the age of 18 or 21 or living apart from her parents does not affect her dependency status.  If a student is considered a dependent of his parents, their income and assets must be included on the FAFSA.  The CPS will 计算家长的贡献,并将其与学生的贡献相加得出 an EFC.

在不寻常的情况下,援助管理员可以确定不符合要求的学生 任何独立标准都应被视为独立学生.

Professional Judgment

IN GENERAL-本部分的任何内容均不得解释为限制财务部门的权力 协助管理员在充分的文件基础上,对其进行调整 根据出勤费用或所需数据项的值逐案计算 计算学生或家长(或两者)的预期捐款,以支付治疗费用 of an individual eligible applicant with special circumstances. However, this authority 不得解释为允许援助管理人员偏离捐款 expected in the absence of special circumstances. Special circumstances may include 小学或中学的学费、医疗、牙科或护理费用 不包括在保险范围内的家庭开支,异常高的儿童保育费用或抚养费用 费用,最近失业的家庭成员或独立学生,学生 或失业工人(定义见《十大彩票游戏平台》第101条)的家庭成员 (1998年的《十大彩票平台》),至少花一半时间攻读学位的家长人数, 证书,或其他课程导致在学校认可的教育证书 根据第487条有项目参与协议的机构 导致个人无家可归的住房状况(定义见第二节) (《十大彩票游戏平台》第103条),或家庭的其他变化 income, a family’s assets or a student’s status. Special circumstances shall be conditions 区别个别学生和班级学生的不是条件 that exist across a class of students. Adequate documentation for such adjustments shall substantiate such special circumstances of individual students. In addition, 本标题中的任何内容不得被解释为限制学生的权力 财政援助管理员在这种情况下(1)要求和使用补充资料 有关合资格申请人的经济状况或个人情况 确定本标题下的获奖者和奖励金额,或(2)提供 根据428H条款提供的受抚养学生经济援助或联邦直接无补贴 斯塔福德贷款不要求这样的学生的家长提交财务文件 根据第483条规定的资助表格,如果学生资助管理员核实 该学生的家长或家长已经终止了对该学生的经济支持 and refuse to file such form. No student or parent shall be charged a fee for collecting, processing, or delivering such supplementary information.

Students Without Parental Support

如果学生的父母拒绝支持他们,他们就没有资格申请撤销抚养, but they may be able to receive unsubsidized Stafford loans only. For a student to 有资格适用这一条款(其案文载于《十大彩票平台》 (114页边注),你必须拿到他父母拒绝提供的文件 完成他的FAFSA,并且(2)他们没有也不会提供任何经济支持 to him. Include the date support ended. If the parents refuse to sign and date a statement 为此,你必须从第三方(学生本人)那里获得文件 is not sufficient), such as a teacher, counselor, cleric, or court.

如下一节所述,这种情况不能证明依赖项覆盖是合理的. But as with overrides, resolving the situation is at your discretion. If you decide 如果一个学生属于这一类,你必须记录下你的决定并确保 that the student submits a FAFSA and passes all the eligibility matches. The result will be a rejected application with no EFC. You can then award the student unsubsidized 斯塔福德贷款,最高可达学生通常有资格获得的贷款 在他的年级水平(但不是数额,学生可以得到当他的父母不能 to get a PLUS loan).

Dependency Overrides

A financial aid administrator (FAA) may do dependency overrides on a case-by-case basis for students with unusual circumstances. If the FAA determines that an override 是否合适,她必须写一份声明,详细说明她的决定,并且必须包括 the statement and supporting documentation in the student’s file. However, none of 下面列出的条件,单独或组合,都属于不寻常情况 meriting a dependency override:

      1. Parents refuse to contribute to the student’s education.
      2. Parents are unwilling to provide information on the FAFSA or for verification.
      3. Parents do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.
      4. Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency.

Unusual Circumstances

特殊情况包括(并可能导致上述任何情况)放弃 被父母虐待的家庭环境威胁到学生的健康和安全 or the student being unable to locate his parents. In such cases a dependency override might be warranted.  The presence of these conditions would not disqualify a student 不再是一个无家可归或自食其力的无人陪伴的青年 being homeless. Such a student who is too old (i.e., is 22 or 23) to be a “youth” would merit a dependency override.  An FAA may, without gathering documentation, use an override that another school granted in the same award year. However, overrides do not carry over from one year to the next; the FAA must reaffirm each year that the unusual circumstances persist and an override is still justified.

了解学生情况的第三方,如老师、辅导员、医生 权威人士,神职人员,监狱管理员,政府机构,或法院-应该 establish the unusual circumstances. Evidence can be a signed letter or an official document, such as a court order. If third party documentation is truly not available, 学校可以——虽然不是必须——接受学生签名并注明日期的声明 the student or a family member detailing the unusual circumstances. Such a statement should be a last resort.

Unable to Provide Parental Data

网上的FAFSA允许学生表明他们认为自己有特殊情况 that prevent them from providing parent information. A student who indicates this 是否完全了解什么需要依赖项覆盖以及结果如何 will be for his application. If he persists through those screens and does not include 父母的数据,他将得到一个拒绝的ISIR,将有特殊情况 flag set. You will have to review the student’s situation and determine if he: is 一个无人陪伴的无家可归的人,应该不受依赖,而是必须提供 父母的数据,或者应该只允许借无补贴的斯塔福德贷款,因为 他可以证明他的父母拒绝支持他,并提供他们的 information on his FAFSA. In the last case he does not receive a dependency override.