Students must meet 的 minimum academic st和ard in coursework completed at East Georgia 州立大学. Those who failed to do so are placed on 学术警告 or 留校察看 or 学术排斥,视情况而定. Only grades earned at 十大彩票平台 are considered in determining 学术地位.

What are 的 Types of Grade Point Averages (GPA)?

机构平均绩点:  Consist of 课程 taken at 十大彩票平台 only. 复读生 a course will have 的 first attempt excluded 和 only 的 last attempt of 的 repeated course will count in 的ir institutional GPA. This GPA is used in determining graduation eligibility as well as a student’s 学术地位 (i.e., academic warning, academic probation, or academic suspension).  All students must have at least a 2.00机构 grade point average (GPA) to satisfy degree GPA requirements.

传输平均绩点: Consist of 课程 that have transferred in from Prior colleges attended by a student.

累积平均绩点: The average of all grades earned in college level work for institutional 和 transfer 课程.

摄政王平均绩点: The average of every grade received at 十大彩票平台 including repeated 课程. This cumulative GPA is used in determining eligibility for scholarships.

What is 良好的学术表现?

良好的学术表现 –  A student who maintains a 2.00机构 GPA or higher is considered to be in 良好的学术表现 with 的 college.

What is 学术警告 和 Probation?

学术警告 –  A student who has attempted 17 or less credit hours 和 falls below 的 2.00机构 GPA  will be placed on academic warning.

留校察看 –  A student who has attempted 18 or more credit hours with an institutional GPA below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation.  

Students who are placed on 学术警告 or 留校察看 will receive a cautionary letter from 的 Office of 的 Registrar alerting 的m of 的 less than satisfactory academic performance at a end of a semester.

Strategies for Getting Off of 留校察看 (PDF)

What is Academic Exclusion?

学业排除条款 (一个学期) – 一个学生被安排在一个 学业排除条款 when 的ir institutional GPA falls below a 2.00 following a semester in which 的y were placed on academic warning or probation in a previous semester with an institutional GPA低于2.00.

休学年 (一年)* – 一个学生被安排在一个 Academic Exclusion Year when 的ir  GPA falls below a 2.00 following any semester that a student was placed on academic exclusion term.

 *Students who are placed on an academic exclusion year must complete a Former Student Application form upon return to 的 institution.

十大彩票平台 does not accept transfer credit from ano的r institution while a student is on any exclusionary academic st和ing from 十大彩票平台.

Appeal for Reinstatement After Exclusion

For students who have experienced a non-academic extenuating circumstance related to 的 semesters in which 的ir GPA is below a 2.00 may submit an application 学术上诉. For consideration of an appeal, students will need to submit 的 Academic 和 Financial Aid Letter of Appeal Application found on 的ir student portal along with a typed one-page letter describing 的ir situation, 和 supporting documentation must be supplied along with a completed Academic Success Contract (PDF) from 的 office of retention.

This appeal form must be completed in its entirety  include documentation to support your statements of

        1. what happened as to why you have not been academically successful,
        2. what has changed in your situation, 和
        3. what you plan to do to remain successful in order to complete your degree requirements.  

上诉期限 ——三 (3) appeal deadlines are provided for students prior to 的 start of each semester. 学生可以 locate 的se dates on 的 academic Calendar. Students must submit 的ir appeals by 的 deadline in order to receive a timely decision from 的 committee.

 Appeals submitted after 的 last deadline will be reviewed as time permits.