Acceptance of Transfer Credit

十大彩票平台(EGSC)根据政策接受学分转换。 rules, and practices of the University System of Georgia, and its institutional mission. The EGSC course equivalency for each transfer course is determined by system-wide 特定机构和教员之间的协议、衔接协议 ,并根据水平、课程内容、 quality, course outcomes, and a student’s degree program.

Where applicable, the Registrar’s Office processes transfer credit based on these faculty decisions.

  • EGSC accepts credit hours transferred from regionally accredited institutions. post-secondary 院校如与所提供的课程相当,通常会转至香港教育服务中心 for academic credit here or would earn academic credit if they were offered.
  • The University System of Georgia recognizes a core curriculum that is common to transfer degree programs.
  • USG and TCSG institutions accept the General Education Courses for transfer between their respective accredited institutions. 28 courses transfer 技术学院系统学院和佐治亚大学系统学院之间的联系 colleges and universities.
  • EGSC uses the University System of Georgia uniform grading scale. When courses with 加/减成绩被转移,这些成绩等同于标准成绩A, B, C, D, or F on a 4.0 scale. 
  • All courses attempted at previous institutions will be listed on the East Georgia 成绩单,连同在上一所学校取得的成绩,相当于一个标准 A-F grade. If a course is not accepted in transfer, it will be listed as “NONT - Not 这些课程不计入学生的转学/总学业绩点.
  • 如果一门课程被接受,但不被认为等同于东乔治亚课程, it will transfer in as an elective.
  • EGSC operates under a Semester system. Therefore, all transfer Credit is awarded in semester hours. Quarter hours will be converted to semester hours with a ratio of .667 quarter hours per semester hour. Therefore, a 5 quarter hour course will receive 3.33 semester hours at EGSC. Course work transferred from another institution will 转学至EGSC,并获得相同的学期学分 at the previous institution. 
  • Credit completed through the armed services will be evaluated according to EGSC’s policy for Military credit.
  • 学生的累积GPA,包括他或她的机构和转学 GPA将被用来决定学生是否有资格在毕业时获得荣誉 during the point of degree completion.
  • 经适当的EGSC学术部门批准,高中生 参加大学先修课程的学生将会被授予适当的课程 如果分数达到3分或更高,则可以在大学理事会高级考试中获得学分 Placement Test (AP).
  • 官方考试成绩应直接从大学理事会邮寄到办公室 of the Admissions/Records Office for review.
  • 大学先修课程考试和同等的十大彩票平台课程是 listed on the Credit by Exam page.
  • 学生可以获得18个学期的大学学分 scores on the Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
  • To earn CLEP credit a student must earn a score of 50 or above. Students earning a 大学写作科目考试成绩50分或以上,还必须写作 an essay, which will be graded by the English Department. The English Department must approve and "pass" the essay only before credit for College Composition I will be awarded.
  • CLEP学分不授予任何有实验要求的科学相关课程. 学生不得尝试参加CLEP考试的课程在一个领域的学分 has been earned for a more advanced course.
  • No examination may be repeated in an attempt to receive credit.
  • CLEP tests and the equivalent EGSC courses are listed on the Credit by Exam page.
  • 通过考试获得的课程学分将以“K”级计算,不计入学分 in a student’s academic GPA.
EGSC授予在某些考试中取得好成绩的学生学分,包括 大学先修课程(AP),国际文凭(IB),大学水平考试 Program (CLEP), and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) exams. All test scores must be officially submitted to the institution for consideration.
  • 某些未包括在内的学科领域设有院系考试 as a part of the College Level Examination Program. (i.e. First aid, foreign language, etc.).
  • 负责学术和学生事务的副校长必须批准学生的申请 to attempt a departmental examination. The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs will refer the examination results to the Deans and faculty members of the respective subject area, who will grade and review the examination to determine if 学生符合资格和课程知识,被授予学分 course.
Credits earned through eCore courses will transfer to institutions within the University System of Georgia and to most other colleges and universities - please see the transfer equivalency guide for more information.
    • EGSC将允许在该机构的核心课程中适当的课程获得学分 相应国际文凭(IB)学科领域的课程.
    • Course credit will be awarded for courses taken in an International Baccalaureate 学生获得指定的课程结束评估分数的文凭课程.

High Level IB课程的分数是学习成绩的一个强有力的指标 that expected of a typical high-school student.

Standard Level (大学预科)成绩达到五分及以上(大学可比) 四分或以上的分数将被视为学分,表明IB课程 work is comparable to a college-level course.

    • The total college course credit awarded for IB assessment may not exceed 24.
    • 以下课程学分方案将由十大彩票平台使用,并附带津贴 在每个类别的可变学分,以说明实验室和/或深度 在IB课程的主题领域中,可能会有超过一半的材料 one college-level course:
International Baccalaureate Semester Credit Hours Allowed
Score Standard Level (SL) High Level (HL)
4 0 3-4
5 0-4 3-8
6-7 3-8 3-12
    • 大学学分将根据EGSC提供的课程和资格要求而有所不同 将由各自的学院(社会科学、人文科学、数学/科学)决定.
持有美国以外学院或大学成绩单的学生必须 提交经批准的国际鉴定机构出具的国外证书鉴定 in order for the credits to be evaluated by the Registrar's Office. For information regarding foreign credential evaluation requirements, please review the International Student Admissions page for additional information.
转学学分的评估不会以学生的每门课程为基础 who holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. Only the final GPA and number of hours are recorded. Core areas (A-E) and general electives 在另一所大学完成学位的学士学位后学生可获豁免 USG institution. Students who completed a Baccalaureate degree at a non-USG institution will need to speak with their advisors to determine if any additional courses are needed to complete their degree program at EGSC.
  • In accordance with BOR Policy -3.3.4 所有寻求从USG机构获得本科学位的学生都是 要求熟练掌握美国历史、宪法和乔治亚州历史 and Constitution. Both requirements may be satisfied at EGSC by completing POLS 1101 and HIST 2111 or 2112.
  • 从USG或TCSG机构转到EGSC的学生可以满足这两个要求 by having completed the equivalents of POLS 1101 & HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 or  by completing 根据其以前就读的院校的立法要求.
  • Students who earn transfer credit for HIST 2111 or 2112, or POLS 1101 from states other than Georgia DO NOT meet the Georgia Legislative requirements. In order to fulfill 乔治亚州要求在州外学校学习美国政府或历史课程 学生必须参加并通过乔治亚州的部分课程 an exam offered by EGSC. Please contact the history and/or political science department for additional information.
  • Legislative requirements cannot be satisfied by exam credit. Students who have received “K”学分仍然需要参加适当的课程来满足这些要求.
  • 在乔治亚州技术学院系统或州外技术学院完成的课程 institutions are reviewed by the TCSG/USG Mini-Core approval list – please see the transfer equivalency guide for more information.
    • Re-evaluations may be requested for a potential direct equivalency.

Transfer credit is not guaranteed and is considered on an individual basis. Each student will meet with an academic advisor who will review the student’s academic history 并决定如何在学位课程中应用转学分 program. East Georgia reserves the right to deny transferability of credit should it not meet the criteria outlined in the Transfer Credit Policy above.